1. 开卷有益(open the book, gain knowledge)
2. 读书破万卷,下笔如有神(read a lot, write with ease)
3. 读书有三到,谓心到、眼到、口到(read three times, heart, eyes, and mouth)
4. 书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟(on a book mountain, be diligent; in an ocean of study, persevere)
5. 一本书的价值,不在于其价,而在于其内容(the value of a book is not in its price, but in its content)
6. 读书明智,讲话有根(read to gain wisdom, speak with a solid foundation)
7. 书中自有黄金屋,书中自有颜如玉(in the book, there is a gold house, and there is a jade-like beauty)
8. 书犹药也,善读之可以医愚(books are like medicine, good reading can heal ignorance)

9. 读书如沐春风,交流如遇知音(reading is like basking in spring, communicating with like-minded people)
10. 书山有路,志在峰巅(on a book mountain, the path is to reach the summit)
11. 书到用时方恨少,事非经过不知难(when you need it, you find it's too late, and it's hard to understand without experience)
12. 书犹扇也,善用之可以破暗(books are like a fan, used properly can break the darkness)
13. 读书如走亲戚,常在别人家里(reading is like visiting relatives, you are always in someone's home)
14. 书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟(on a book mountain, be diligent; in an ocean of study, persevere)
15. 一本书的价值,不在于其价,而在于其内容(the value of a book is not in its price, but in its content)
16. 开卷有益(open the book, gain knowledge)
17. 读书破万卷,下笔如有神(read a lot, write with ease)
18. 读书有三到,谓心到、眼到、口到(read three times, heart, eyes, and mouth)
19. 书山有路,志在峰巅(on a book mountain, the path is to reach the summit)
20. 书犹药也,善读之可以医愚(books are like medicine, good reading can heal ignorance)
21. 读书如沐春风,交流如遇知音(reading is like basking in spring, communicating with like-minded people)
22. 书到用时方恨少,事非经过不知难(when you need it, you find it's too late, and it's hard to understand without experience)
23. 一本书的价值,不在于其价,而在于其内容(the value of a book is not in its price, but in its content)
24. 读书如行脚,方知远近高低(reading is like walking, you can know the distance, highness, and depth)
25. 书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟(on a book mountain, be diligent; in an ocean of study, persevere)
26. 书犹画也,善画之可以妙笔生花(books are like paintings, good painting can make the writing more beautiful)
27. 读书如赏花,共赏人生百态(reading is like appreciating flowers, together we can understand the different aspects of life)
28. 书到用时方恨少,事非经过不知难(when you need it, you find it's too late, and it's hard to understand without experience)
29. 一本书的价值,不在于其价,而在于其内容(the value of a book is not in its price, but in its content)
30. 读书如旅行,可以开拓眼界(reading is like traveling, it can broaden your horizons)
31. 书山有路,志在峰巅(on a book mountain, the path is to reach the summit)
32. 书犹药也,善读之可以医愚(books are like medicine, good reading can heal ignorance)
33. 读书如沐春风,交流如遇知音(reading is like basking in spring, communicating with like-minded people)
34. 书到用时方恨少,事非经过不知难(when you need it, you find it's too late, and it's hard to understand without experience)
35. 一本书的价值,不在于其价,而在于其内容(the value of a book is not in its price, but in its content)
36. 读书如行脚,方知远近高低(reading is like walking, you can know the distance, highness, and depth)
37. 书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟(on a book mountain, be diligent; in an ocean of study, persevere)
38. 书犹画也,善画之可以妙笔生花(books are like paintings, good painting can make the writing more beautiful)
39. 读书如赏花,共赏人生百态(reading is like appreciating flowers, together we can understand the different aspects of life)
40. 书到用时方恨少,事非经过不知难(when you need it, you find it's too late, and it's hard to understand without experience)
41. 一本书的价值,不在于其价,而在于其内容(the value of a book is not in its price, but in its content)
42. 读书如画,可以陶冶情操(reading is like painting, it can cultivate one's temperament)
43. 书山有路,志在峰巅(on a book mountain, the path is to reach the summit)
44. 书犹药也,善读之可以医愚(books are like medicine, good reading can heal ignorance)
45. 读书如听雨,闻风及其名(reading is like listening to rain, hearing its name)
46. 书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟(on a book mountain, be diligent; in an ocean of study, persevere)
47. 书犹画也,善画之可以妙笔生花(books are like paintings, good painting can make the writing more beautiful)
48. 读书如旅行,可以开拓眼界(reading is like traveling, it can broaden your horizons)
49. 一本书的价值,不在于其价,而在于其内容(the value of a book is not in its price, but in its content)
50. 读书如浴春风,可以培育心性(reading is like taking a spring bath, it can cultivate one's character)。