1. 炊烟袅袅升起,隔江千万里,青青草色,水在脚下荡漾。
2. 夕阳无限好,只是近黄昏。
3. 独在异乡为异客,每逢佳节倍思亲。
4. 红豆生南国,春来发几枝。

5. 燕舞轻,风声正,花梦闹,月朦胧,一片芳菲好。
6. 海内存知己,天涯若比邻。
7. 床前明月光,疑是地上霜。
8. 举头望明月,低头思故乡。
9. 春风又绿江南岸,明月何时照我还?
10. 故乡何处是,忘了除非醉。
11. inside the village, the villagers are friendly and warm, always willing to help you return home.
12. The scenery is as beautiful as a painting, with mountains, rivers, and forests as the main elements.
13. The air is fresh and clean, and the scent of flowers fills the air.
14. The houses are simple and cozy, and the people are warm and friendly.
15. The sound of laughter and voices from the street fills the air, making the place lively.
16. The moon shines bright, and the night is peaceful and calm.
17. The scenery is perfect for a nature photo, with its unique and natural beauty.
18. The villagers are poor but content with their lives, always willing to share their love and care.
19. The air is thick with the scent of cooking food, and the sound of pots and pans resonates through the village.
20. The villagers are hardworking and diligent, always putting in a lot of effort to maintain their homes and communities.
21. The landscape is characterized by mountains, rivers, and forests, making it a great place for hiking and camping.
22. The people here are simple and honest, with a strong sense of family and community.
23. The moon is full of light, and its reflection shines on the water, making the place even more magical.
24. The scenery is breathtaking, with its diverse elements and natural beauty.
25. The villagers are friendly and welcoming, always greeting you with a smile and a warm heart.
26. The air is fresh and clean, and the smell of the surrounding mountains fills the air.
27. The houses are well-maintained and clean, with a simple and elegant style.
28. The people here are simple and honest, with a strong sense of values and beliefs.
29. The sound of birds singing and the wind rustling through the trees fills the air, making the place peaceful and serene.
30. The moon is full of romance, and its light shines down on the couple's face, making their moment even more magical.
31. The scenery is characterized by a mix of natural and cultural elements, making it a great place to learn and grow.
32. The villagers are hardworking and diligent, always striving to improve their lives and the community's.
33. The air is thick with the scent of fresh vegetables and flowers, and the sound of farming tools fills the air.
34. The moon is full of light, and its reflection shines on the water, making the place even more magical.
35. The villagers are friendly and welcoming, always greeting you with a warm smile and a friendly handshake.
36. The houses are well-maintained and clean, with a simple and elegant style.
37. The people here are simple and honest, with a strong sense of family and community.
38. The sound of laughter and voices from the street fills the air, making the place lively and enjoyable.
39. The moon is full of romance, and its light shines down on the couple's face, making their moment even more magical.
40. The scenery is breathtaking, with its diverse elements and natural beauty.
41. The villagers are hardworking and diligent, always putting in a lot of effort to maintain their homes and communities.
42. The air is fresh and clean, and the smell of the surrounding mountains fills the air.
43. The sound of birds singing and the wind rustling through the trees fills the air, making the place peaceful and serene.
44. The moon is full of light, and its reflection shines on the water, making the place even more magical.
45. The villagers are friendly and welcoming, always greeting you with a smile and a warm heart.
46. The houses are well-maintained and clean, with a simple and elegant style.
47. The people here are simple and honest, with a strong sense of values and beliefs.
48. The sound of cooking food fills the air, and the smell of freshly baked bread fills the house.
49. The moon is full of romance, and its light shines down on the couple's face, making their moment even more magical.
50. The scenery is perfect for a family vacation, with its natural and cultural beauty.