


目录: 摘抄 2024-12-12 16:31:33 网络整理






1. 天时:指有利于作战的时令,气候。

2. 地利:指有利于作战的地形。

3. 人和:指得人心,上下团结。

4. 三里之城:方圆三里的内城。城:内城。

5. 七里之郭:方圆七里的外城。郭:外城。在城外加筑的一道城墙。

6. 环:围。

7. 夫(fú):句首发语词,表示下面要发表议论。

8. 然而:虽然这样,但是。

9. 城:城墙。

10. 池:护城河。

11. 兵革:泛指武器装备。兵,兵器;革,皮革制成的甲、胄、盾之类。

12. 坚利:坚固锋利。

13. 米粟(sù):粮食。

14. 委而去之:意思是弃城而逃。委,放弃。去,离开。

15. 域民不以封疆之界:意思是,使人民定居下来(而不迁到别的地方去),不能靠划定的边疆的界限。域,这里是限制的意思。

16. 固国不以山溪之险:巩固国防不能靠山河的险要。

17. 威天下不以兵革之威:震慑天下不能靠武力的强大。

18. 得道:指能够施行治国的正道,即行仁政。

19. 失道:指不施行仁政。

20. 寡:少。

21. 之至:到达极点。

22. 亲戚:内外亲属,包括父系亲属和母系亲属。

23. 畔(pàn):通“叛”,背叛。

24. 顺:归顺,服从。

25. 君子:这里指能行仁政的君主,即上文所说的“得道者”。




Favorable weather conditions are less important than advantageous terrain, and advantageous terrain is less important than unity among the people. A city with a circumference of three - li and an outer city of seven - li cannot be captured even when surrounded and attacked. There must be favorable weather conditions for the besiegers, but they still cannot win. This shows that favorable weather conditions are not as important as advantageous terrain. The city walls are not low, the moats are not shallow, the weapons and armors are not inferior, and the food supplies are not insufficient. However, the defenders still abandon the city and flee. This shows that advantageous terrain is not as important as unity among the people. Therefore, to confine the people, we should not rely on the boundaries of the territory; to strengthen the country, we should not rely on the dangers of mountains and rivers; to awe the world, we should not rely on the might of weapons. The rulers who follow the right principles have more support, and those who do not follow the right principles have less support. When the support is minimal, even relatives will turn against them. When the support is maximal, the whole world will submit to them. With the support of the whole world, attacking those who are opposed by their relatives, so a just ruler will either not engage in war or be certain to win if he does.









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